Recommended books for UPPSC
We received lots of request to post list of preparation books for UPPSC. So here you go.
Your first step should be NCERT books. You may have heard it many times by now, and the reasons are obvious. NCERT books cover all of the topics in great details, and make your foundation strong. NCERT Books are available here.
Once you are finished studying NCERT books, below are key books topic wise:
For History:
Ancient India by RS Sharma. Available here.
Medieval India by Satish Chandra. You can get it here.
Modern History by Bipan Chandra. Available here.
Geography: India and World Geography by Majid Husain. Get it here.
Polity: Indian Polity by Laxmikanth. Available here.
Economy: Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh. Get it here.
Current Affairs: Esencia Current Affairs by HS Sidhu. Available here.
Also practice from previous years paper. For previous year papers, click here.
Apart from these, dont forget to read newspapers, this will help you prepare for current affairs.
Thats all for now. Feel free to add your favorite book in comment, and we will try to add it in our list.
PS: This was just our suggestions, and do not guarantee hundred percent result.
Thanks For Providing Booklists. :)