Blueprint to crack PMP Exam

PMP(Project Management Professional) is one of the toughest and most popular exam in the world. It is offered by Project Management Institute. Preparing for PMP exam require accurate planning and extensive preparation. Unlike other exams, PMP exam test your ability to apply the knowledge in various circumstances faced by managers. Before we move forward, lets take a look at the exam pattern.

Below table outline the questions from various domains:

 Percentage of questions
 A. Initiating 
 13%, Roughly 26       questions
 B. Planning
 24%, Roughly 48       questions
 C. Executing
 31%, Roughly 60       questions
 D. Monitoring and Controlling
 25%, Roughly 50       questions
 E. Closing
 7%, Roughly 16       questions
 100%, Total 200     questions

There will be 200 questions in the PMP exam, and you will get 4 hours to complete the test. There is no break during the exam, however, if you wish, you can take a short break, but clock will not stop. Please note that there is no negative marking.

Coming back to the preparation, many people ask "how many days do I need to prepare?" Well its really depend on how many hours you set aside for your preparation. Being a manager already, chances are you will find it difficult to spend 1 hour for the preparation. If you do not want to take any chance, set aside three to four months for the preparation.

Here are PMP Exam Tips:

1. Study the PMBOK Guide: Very first step is to go through the PMBOK guide, which is a reference book. You can divide the guide into various sections, and set a milestone for each section. For example, You will finish the first section in one week. Pay special attention to page-61, and memorize this table. It describe the relationship among Knowledge areas, process groups and processes. This table will be really handy during the exam.

2. Buy a study guide: Second step is to buy a very good study guide. PMBOK is a reference guide and not enough to clear the exam. You must have a good study guide to clear the exam. Dont read many books, just buy any one. Rita Mulcahy's PMP Exap Prep is one of the best book available in the market. Another book is Head First PMP.

3. Complete the mandatory Training: According to PMI rules, 35 hours of mandatory training is required to appear for the exam. We have kept it at number three, because we wanted you to study the PMBOK guide and study guide first before joining the mandatory training. This will help you apply the knowledge you learnt in real time, becase PMP exam is all about applying your knowledge in real world. You can get this training from PMI registered training providers.

4. Flash Card: You can prepare it yourself, or buy it from market. This flash card has more then 350 concepts organized by process groups.

5. Practice, Practice and Practice: After all practice makes you perfect. The more you practice the better you will be. You can invest in a good simulator or attempt mock tests online or practice from your book. This will boost your confidence, as well as increase your speed. If you are looking for a practice book, this is a good option. It has 300 practice questions to help you prepare better and fill the gap.

Some other tips:

1. Keep yourself motivated all the time.
2. Download the exam guideline from here.
3. Create a study plan and stick to it.
4. Pay special attention to the areas where you are not scoring in the mock test.
5. Clear your basics first and then prepare for ITTO(Inputs, tools and techniques and outputs).
6. If you have time, find a class and join it.
7. Don't read many books. Just focus on PMBOK guide and one study guide.
8. If possible study in group.

So these were few suggestions.

All the best for your exam👍


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