Current Affairs preparation for UPPSC Exam
Current Affairs is one of the easiest scoring subject, and don't consume your precious time during exam. It is also considered as most rewarding subject because of preparation time and scoring ability.
Below are few suggestions you can follow:
1. Newspaper: Read at least newspaper regularly. It can be Time of India, The Hindu or Indian Express, but make sure you read it regularly. This will keep your updated with latest developments, resulting in stronger current affairs.
2. Take Notes: Reading newspaper alone is not sufficient. Keep a notebook with you while reading the newspaper and note down key developments. When exam dates are near, go through these notes, in order to save your time.
3. Weekly/monthly ebooks: There are lots of websites who are providing free weekly updates. Subscribe to these websites, and download.
4. Prepare Smartly: Last but not the least, prepare smartly. Instead of trying to cover everything, list down important topics which you will study first. Few key topics will be - Important awards and recognition, Popular books in news, Person in news, national and international developments. Most of these can be covered by simply reading a newspaper.
Apart from these you can read Manorama Year book.
Here are few book recommendations:
Current Affairs by H.S. Sidhu: Outstanding book for Civil Services preparation. Equally good for UPPSC exam. This book provides detailed analysis of current affairs with complete analysis of union budget. You can check it here.
Manorama Year Book: This book needs no introduction. Really helpful book for all competitive exams. It is available on Amazon.
Thank you and all the best!!
PS: These are just our recommendation. While ordering Current Affairs book make sure you purchase it for the correct year. Do not buy older version, as questions will be outdated.
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