Strategy for SEBI Assistant Manager(General) Exam

As you may aware, SEBI has announced vacancies for the post of Assistant Manager in various streams. Selection process will be in three stages.

First stage will be computer based screening test, consisting of 200 questions for a duration of 02 Hours. This test will be held on 17th November this year.

 Maximum Marks
 General Awareness
 Quantitative Aptitude
 Test of Reasoning
 English Language 
 Awareness about security market

In order to qualify for IInd stage, you must score minimum 40% marks in each of the tests above separately.

Second test consist of three papers for 300 marks. It will be held on 16 December this year. You can download the syllabus from here. candidates who secure minimum 40% marks in each topic separately will be called for interview. Weightage of the paper II will be 85%

Third and last stage of the selection process will be Interview. Only the selected candidates will be called for Interview.  Weightage of the interview will be 15%.

Now coming to the preparation strategy of stage-I exam, you can prepare each topic separately.

For reasoning, Arihant publication is a good choice. It covers most of the reasoning topics with great explanation and handful of exercises. Each problem is solved with good explanation which helps in clearing all the doubts. Practice as much as possible to increase your speed and accuracy.

For Quantitative Aptitude, you can go with RS aggarwal. He is one of the biggest writer for competitive exams. This book also has lots of questions to practice from.

For General Awareness, you can prepare from Lucent and yearbook. Also read weekly publication like PD. There are lots of websites, which provide free weekly current affairs, you can download them and study.

English preparation can be done from grammar books. You can also read S.C. Gupta's General English. You can practice all the important topics of English like Tenses, Synonyms/Antonyms, Forms of verbs, Composition, noun, spotting the error, passages etc.

Awareness about security market: Many people find this topic difficult. There are lots of YouTube channels which can help you prepare yourself. If you are looking for a book, Indian Financial System is a good option. This book is divided into four sections: Financial Systems, Financial Market, Financial Institutions and Financial Services.

For last minute preparation below are helpful books:


Few additional tips:
1. Practice as much as possible.
2. Join online mock tests. There are lots of options available.
3. You must secure 40% in each topic in order to qualify for the next exam, so each subject is equally important.
4. Read at least one newspaper daily. This will help you with General Awareness preparation as well as English.

Thank you and all the best for your exam. 


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