All About IIT JAM Biological Sciences

First of all Sorry for the long wait. We were gathering inputs from experts on JAM preparation strategy so that we can post it. So here we are. In this post we are going to cover Biological Sciences.

JAM, which stands for Joint Admission Test for MSc, is an online entrance Exam. It is conducted by IITs every year to provide admission in Msc courses.

Lets talk about the exam pattern : There will be seven test papers in the exam namely : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Biotechnology, Biological Science, Mathematical Statics. Depending on your choice you can select any one paper. Total duration to complete the paper will be 03 hours. See below table for more info:

Type of Question
Total Questions
Total Marks
MCQ: There will be four options, and you have to select one correct answer. Negative marking is 1/3.
MSQ: There will be four options, and you have to select one or more correct answer.No Negative marking
 Numerical Answer. No negative marking.


Lets talk about the Syllabus now. As posted on IIT Bombay, below are the syllabus:


General Biology: Taxonomy of plants and animals; pro-and eukaryotic organisms; cell organelles and their function; multicellular organization; general physiology; energy transformations; internal transport systems of plants and animals; photosynthesis; respiration; regulation of body fluids and excretory mechanisms; reproductive biology; plant and animal hormones and their action; nervous systems; animal behavior; plant and animal diseases; Mendelian genetics and heredity; basics of developmental biology; biology of populations and communities; evolution; basic principles of ecology; genesis and diversity of organisms.

Basics of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biophysics: Buffers; trace elements in biological systems; enzymes and proteins; vitamins; biological oxidations, photosynthesis;carbohydrates and lipids and their metabolism; digestion and absorption; detoxifying mechanisms; nucleic acids;nucleic acid metabolism;nature of gene and its function; genetic code; synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins; regulation of gene expression; operons. Structure of biomolecules; intra and intermolecular forces; thermodynamics and kinetics of biological systems; enzyme mechanisms and kinetics;principles of X-ray diffraction; IR- and UV- spectroscopy; analytical and biochemical techniques

Microbiology, Cell Biology and Immunology: Classification of Microorganisms and their characterization; nutrient requirement for growth; laboratory techniques in microbiology; pathogenic microorganisms and disease; applied microbiology; viruses and fungi; microbial genetics;cell theory; cell architecture; cell division; types of chromosome structure; biochemical genetics- inborn errors of metabolisms; innate and adaptive immunity, antigen antibodies; principles of processes of development.

Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical functions (algebraic, exponential, trigonometric) and their derivatives (derivatives and integrals of simple functions); permutations and combinations; basic probability and volumetric calculations.

Coming to the books, there is no single book available like other streams. You have to prepare from multiple books, covering each topic. For example, Biological science by Quillin is a good option. Then there is VK Aggrawal's book.

If you are looking for Previous years paper, is good resource. They have all the previous years paper with answer key. We have prepared the link below, you can visit their website and download it:

So these were few resources. Comment section is open for you in case you want to add something.

Thank you and all the Best for your Exam.


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