Gate Civil Engineering Books

If you are self preparing for GATE, IES and PSU exam, make sure that you are preparing from wide range of books. This will insure that you have good quality study material. In this post we are going to cover few important books which can help you prepare. So lets get started:

1. Previous year solved paper:

First one in our list is from Made Easy Editorial board. This book contains previous year papers with detailed explanation. For self preparing students, this is a good book to start with. It will help you identify your weak and strong zones. You can get it from Amazon.

2. A handbook on Civil Engineering:

If your fundamental is strong and looking to recap the important topics quickly, then this book is for you. It contains all the important theories as well as formulas to help you revise for the exam quickly. All in all, a good reference source. Buy it from Amazon.

3. Civil Engineering GATE 2019:

Prasant Dixit needs no introduction, so his books. This book is very popular among GATE aspirants. You can get it from Amazon.

4. Wiley Acing the GATE: Civil Engineering:

4th in our list is from Wiley publication. Written by Mahesh Mungule and Rahul Deshpande. This is written in systematic order. Theories are followed by practical questions. Buy it from Amazon.


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