
Showing posts from September, 2018

IES Mechanical Engineering Preparation Strategy

In this post we are going to cover tips and tricks for Mechanical Engineers who are looking to crack IES. UPSC conducts this exam for recruitment of various posts in various government departments. Very first thing we will need is Book. You can start with your college books you already have. You can also borrow it from your friends. Below are few good books. Try and search in your college library or any public library. If you are not able to find, but it from Amazon . Below are few good books for the preparation: 1. A Handbook on Mechanical Engineering : This book is published by Made Easy Editorial Board, and covers all the important concept and formula to brush up your knowledge. You can get this book here . 2. ESE 2018 Prelims Exam: Mechanical Engineering Vol-I: Very good book for IES and GATE preparation. It covers all the chapters in great detail. It also has lots of problems for practice. This book is available here . 3.  ESE 2018 Prelims Exam...

CPE Preparation Strategy

Admit it, CPE is tough, and you have to really surround yourself with English. Dedication and motivation both are equally required here. We have prepared few key points which you can keep in mind while preparing.  Very first thing you need is a good book. Best book without any doubt is of Cambridge Press. Book - 1 is available here , and Book - 2 here . Next thing you will need is a good English-to-English dictionary. You can go for mini dictionary, if budget is low. Get it here . Otherwise you can go for Oxford dictionary. Cambridge's English vocabulary is also a great option. Third tip in our list is podcasts. You can listen to the podcasts when you are travelling, cooking or relaxing, and hence they are more efficient then any other medium. Identify your weak zones, and spend more time on it. Read the newspapers, magazines and books, as much as you can. Invest in mock tests to track your progress. Find a partner to practice English Speaking, and improve your pro...

UPTET की तैयारी कैसे करें?

जैसा की आप सब को मालूम है UPTET परीक्षा की तिथि 04 नवंबर है, ऐसे में हमारे पास लगभग 1 महिना बचा है, तैयारी के लिए. इस पोस्ट में हम विस्तार से जानेंगे की कैसे हम UPTET की तैयारी इतने दिन में कर सकते हैं. सबसे पहले हम परीक्षा के पैटर्न को समझते हैं. इस परीक्षा में ऑब्जेक्टिव सवाल पूछे जायेंगे और कोई भी नेगेटिव मार्किंग नहीं है. इसमें दो पेपर होंगे. पहला पेपर वैसे लोगों के लिए जो क्लास 1 से 5 तक के शिक्षक के लिए अप्लाई किये हैं, दूसरा पेपर 6 से 8 तक के शिक्षक के लिए. दोनों पेपर में 150 सवाल होंगे, 150 मार्क्स के लिए. तो चलिए देखते हैं UPTET पेपर-I का सिलेबस: विषय  कुल सवाल  कुल अंक  बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा शास्त्र  30  30  भाषा-I(हिन्दी)   30 30    भाषा-II(इंग्लिश,उर्दू और संस्कृत में से कोई   एक)   30 30    गणित   30 30    पर्यावरण अध्ययन   30 30   UPTET पेपर-II का सिलेबस कुछ इस प्रकार है: विषय  कुल सवाल  कुल अंक  ...

Strategy for SEBI Assistant Manager(General) Exam

As you may aware, SEBI has announced vacancies for the post of Assistant Manager in various streams. Selection process will be in three stages. First stage will be computer based screening test, consisting of 200 questions for a duration of 02 Hours. This test will be held on 17th November this year.  Test  Maximum Marks  General Awareness  40   Quantitative Aptitude  40  Test of Reasoning  40  English Language   40  Awareness about security market  40  In order to qualify for IInd stage, you must score minimum 40% marks in each of the tests above separately. Second test consist of three papers for 300 marks. It will be held on 16 December this year. You can download the syllabus from here . candidates who secure minimum 40% marks in each topic separately will be called for interview. Weightage of the paper II will b...

Blueprint to crack PMP Exam

PMP(Project Management Professional) is one of the toughest and most popular exam in the world. It is offered by Project Management Institute. Preparing for PMP exam require accurate planning and extensive preparation. Unlike other exams, PMP exam test your ability to apply the knowledge in various circumstances faced by managers. Before we move forward, lets take a look at the exam pattern. Below table outline the questions from various domains:  Domain  Percentage of questions  A. Initiating   13%, Roughly 26       questions  B. Planning  24%, R oughly 48       questions  C. Executing  31%, R oughly 60       questions  D. Monitoring and Controlling  25%, R oughly 50       questions  E. Closing  7%, R oughly 16       questions ...

Logical Reasoning For CAT

Hello again and welcome back to our blog. Continuing our series on book recommendation, we will cover logical reasoning books for CAT. Lets get started. First book is by Arun Sharma. You may have heard it many times. This is the very first book which comes in mind when preparing for Logical reasoning. This book is divided into various sections and chapters for ease of learning. You can get it here . Second book is by Nishit K. Sinha. This book covers all the concepts in details. You will also get online exam simulator with this book. Overall a good option to prepare for logical reasoning. This book is available here . Last book is previous year paper from Disha. It is available here . So there were few suggestions. Wishing you all the best for your exam. PS: Image credit Amazon. 


So, here we are again with another blogpost. In this post we are going to cover essential books needed to crack UPSSSC VDO. Below are few best book to practice. First book is from Kiran publication. You can get the book here . Another book for Hindi medium students is from Arihant. Available on Amazon . For General Mental Ability, check this book . Drishti VDO book is also very helpful: Thank you and all the best for your exam. PS: These were just our suggestions. Pic credit Amazon and the sellers.

Recommended books for UPPSC

We received lots of request to post list of preparation books for UPPSC. So here you go. Your first step should be NCERT books. You may have heard it many times by now, and the reasons are obvious. NCERT books cover all of the topics in great details, and make your foundation strong. NCERT Books are available here . Once you are finished studying NCERT books, below are key books topic wise: For History: Ancient India by RS Sharma. Available here . Medieval India by Satish Chandra. You can get it here . Modern History by Bipan Chandra. Available here . Geography: India and World Geography by Majid Husain. Get it here . Polity: Indian Polity by Laxmikanth. Available here . Economy: Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh. Get it here . Current Affairs: Esencia Current Affairs by HS Sidhu. Available here . Also practice from previous years paper. For previous year papers, click here . Apart from these, dont forget to read newspapers, this will help you prepare for current...

Current Affairs preparation for UPPSC Exam

Current Affairs is one of the easiest scoring subject, and don't consume your precious time during exam. It is also considered as most rewarding subject because of preparation time and scoring ability.  Below are few suggestions you can follow: 1. Newspaper: Read at least newspaper regularly. It can be Time of India, The Hindu or Indian Express, but make sure you read it regularly. This will keep your updated with latest developments, resulting in stronger current affairs. 2. Take Notes: Reading newspaper alone is not sufficient. Keep a notebook with you while reading the newspaper and note down key developments. When exam dates are near, go through these notes, in order to save your time. 3. Weekly/monthly ebooks: There are lots of websites who are providing free weekly updates. Subscribe to these websites, and download. 4. Prepare Smartly: Last but not the least, prepare smartly. Instead of trying to cover everything, list down important topics whi...