IES Mechanical Engineering Preparation Strategy

In this post we are going to cover tips and tricks for Mechanical Engineers who are looking to crack IES. UPSC conducts this exam for recruitment of various posts in various government departments. Very first thing we will need is Book. You can start with your college books you already have. You can also borrow it from your friends. Below are few good books. Try and search in your college library or any public library. If you are not able to find, but it from Amazon . Below are few good books for the preparation: 1. A Handbook on Mechanical Engineering : This book is published by Made Easy Editorial Board, and covers all the important concept and formula to brush up your knowledge. You can get this book here . 2. ESE 2018 Prelims Exam: Mechanical Engineering Vol-I: Very good book for IES and GATE preparation. It covers all the chapters in great detail. It also has lots of problems for practice. This book is available here . 3. ESE 2018 Prelims Exam...